About the Blog
What inspired me to start this blog is a long story, that I'll try to make short. I moved to New York City after grad school and quickly learned that my personal finance skills needed a lot of improvement. I began reading blogs, like Budgets Are Sexy, to build up those skills. I am in constant pursuit of new ideas to train harder, but my latest struggle is finding blogs that are locked-on to millennials that have a negative net worth, have more debts than assets. I want to be a voice for those trainers like me, to let them know that they are not alone. I believe that with exp. share, will can level up together.
My goal for this blog is to make personal finances, and some other boring adult topics, more interesting by giving them some Pokémon flare. How are banks not like Pokémon Centers? What does breeding Pokémon have to do with creating a budget? What types of attacks can be applied to our personal finances? Take a look in blog storage to read more, subscribe or follow me.
My goal for this blog is to make personal finances, and some other boring adult topics, more interesting by giving them some Pokémon flare. How are banks not like Pokémon Centers? What does breeding Pokémon have to do with creating a budget? What types of attacks can be applied to our personal finances? Take a look in blog storage to read more, subscribe or follow me.